Results of Healthy Aging Survey 2020/21 School Year
A survey of the storytellers in the Broomfield, Boulder Valley, Denver, and Larimer was done recently. Participation in the survey was voluntary. The unusual 2020/21 year may have colored the responses, especially the response participation, but the results are still quite interesting and enlightening. The total number of respondents was 79 across all four licensee groups
- Age of Spellbinder Storytellers
Just over 49% of the respondents were 70 years of age and older. Another almost 37% were between 60 and 70 years old. This underscores the position of Spellbinders as primarily an organization of senior citizens.
- Number of years as a Spellbinders Storyteller.
A third of the respondents had been a Spellbinder Storyteller for 1-3 years, but the other two thirds had been with Spellbinders from 4 up to 20 years. Spellbinders is obviously not an organization that you leave easily once you become involved.
- Number of times per year you attend a storyteller meeting or event either in person or virtually.
Almost 90% of respondents attend meetings or events over 4 times per year, and 40% attend 8 or more times per year.
- Reasons for attending meetings?
- Social Interaction – 90% rate this as an important reason for attending
- Story Suggestions – 90% rate story suggestions as important
- Improve story skills – 96% rate improving skills as an important reason
- Entertainment – Only 81% find entertainment important
In conclusion, social interaction and improving storytelling skills need to be the major part of each monthly meeting. Skill workshops are needed by all affiliates.
- Average number of classes visited each month during the school year and prior to the coronavirus epidemic.
This question is greatly impacted by the events of the 2020-21 school year. Information based on prior year data suggests an average of 5-6 classes visited by each storyteller per month.
- Rating of aspects of storytelling.
- Interacting with Children – This is certainly the most important aspect of storytelling to our storytellers. Over half rate this as the Most Important Aspect.
- Interacting with Adults – 86% rate this as important. Storytellers are encouraged to work with teachers to develop stories to enhance curriculum.
- Telling a story – 100% find this aspect important, and that telling is the key to what we do.
- Being active – 100% also find this important. Staying active is recognized as one key to healthy aging.
- Work on memory – With Seniors as our basic volunteer force, memory support is important to 93% of our tellers.
- Has storytelling had a positive or negative impact on the following.
- Social Life – 86% positive
- Memory – 97% positive
- Optimism – 77% positive
- Activity Level – 87% positive
- Your mental health – 96% positive
- Your physical health – 58% positive
- Children in the classroom – 99% positive
- Your contribution to your community – 97% positive
- Your relationships – 85% positive
- Ever recommended storytelling? 94% have recommended storytelling to others
- Was training received useful? 95% felt the training was useful
- Reactions from family and friends – 100% Positive reactions
- Do you plan to continue storytelling? – 91% plan to continue
- Do you support Spellbinders or your local licensee financially? – 89% support financially
The Spellbinders organization and licensee groups offer and promote activities that play a key role in healthy aging for seniors. Our organization and services are well positioned to work with seniors to enhance their well-being in several areas, including enhancing and expanding social interaction and personal relationships, community involvement, physical and mental activity, and enhancing a perception of meaningful purpose.
Several suggestions for enriching and continuing the work of Spellbinders can be identified from this survey:
- Greater outreach to the senior community
- Greater opportunity and recognition of the social interaction benefits to members
- Monthly offerings of skill enhancement workshops
- Enhanced accommodation for the special needs of senior citizens to allow participation in Spellbinders activities
- Greater exposure to the senior citizen community and to children’s’ education communities would offer great benefits to both
- Community recognition and support should be pursued
This report has been prepared by Cathy Lichty, Chair of the Spellbinders Council of Trustees, with the support of the Boulder Valley Spellbinders, Broomfield Spellbinders, Denver Spellbinders, and Larimer County Spellbinders.